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Service Charge

A service charge is a mechanism whereby a landlord recovers from tenants the cost of maintaining and repairing a building and providing certain services.

Service charges will usually include such items as:

Similar in operation to residential multi-tenanted properties, these service charges will usually include such items as:

  • The maintenance and repair of the structure and common parts of the building
  • The provision and associated costs of security and cleaning the building
  • Costs associated with administering and managing the building, however these should exclude costs associated with collection of rent
  • Energy costs for the common parts
  • Insuring the building to its full replacement value. Insurance will often include engineering and terrorism insurance, the latter increasing following recent world events
  • Sinking fund contributions to cover replacement of plant and machinery including the upkeep of common areas

If you are looking to sell discretely our direct dealings with investors both large & small will ensure a quick, smooth and hassle free transaction. With a huge presence in key overseas locations our database of investors is continuously growing.

For more information contact our a member of our team today.

Marylebone Office
102A Seymour Place,
London, W1H 1NF
T: 020 7431 8828
Shoreditch Office
25 Phipp Street
T: 020 7729 3344
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